Monday, April 9, 2012

Finally feeling like a soccer mom.

So motherhood literally slapped me in the face this year. Not that for the past 5 years I haven't been a mother, but I just didn't have to run my kids to practice, games, to their friends houses etc. This year however has proven to be different in so many ways. 

My 5 year old started T-Ball this year. The first practice I went to was hard to watch...all the kids were terrible. I honestly don't know what was going through my head when I pictured ten or so 5-6 year old boys standing still and playing ball like they've been playing all their life. But I was so very wrong. 

Tonight was Rylan's first game. They don't keep score and no one wins or loses and there are no outs. Everyone gets to bat at least 3 times, and they all move around in the field to get some experience in every position. I loved when the ball was hit to the outfield and there was this swarm of little boys running from every position on the field to where the ball stopped, when a player would hit the ball and get so excited that they hit it, they would either run to the pitcher with their bat, stood there watching or ran to first base with the bat in hand. Half of them didn't tag bases and the other half plowed over by the excited runner coming at them. 

Needless to say, I think I love T-Ball more then I thought I would. Cannot wait until the next game!! Enjoy the pictures we took of the first game of the season below!



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